What is the Median Rental Rate for Real Estate in Tampa, Florida?

When it comes to rental properties in Tampa, Florida, it's essential to keep in mind that the data may not accurately reflect the current context of the market. The largest demographic of renters in Tampa are those aged 25-34, making up 31% of the total rental population. There are a total of 29,511 rentals in Tampa, with 2 bedroom units representing the largest share at 37%. Rentometer is an excellent tool for making data-driven real estate decisions.

It's the quickest way to check residential rental prices in the United States. Of all the rental properties in Tampa, 51% are occupied by renters, with a total of 79,397 units. On the other hand, landlords occupy 77,308 properties. Residents with less than a high school degree make up 13% of rental homes in Tampa. It's important to note that rental rates can vary significantly depending on location and other factors.

To get an accurate picture of the median rental rate for real estate in Tampa, Florida, it's best to consult a local real estate expert or use an online tool like Rentometer. This will give you an up-to-date look at rental prices in your area. Rentometer is a great resource for anyone looking to get an accurate estimate of rental rates in Tampa. It provides detailed information on rental prices for different types of properties and neighborhoods. It also offers insights into market trends and other factors that can affect rental rates.

Additionally, Rentometer can help you compare rental rates across different cities and states. When researching rental rates in Tampa, it's important to consider all factors that could affect the price. These include location, amenities, size of the property, and more. Additionally, it's important to keep an eye on market trends and changes in demand for certain types of properties. This will help you make an informed decision when it comes to renting or buying real estate in Tampa. The median rental rate for real estate in Tampa is currently $1,400 per month.

This rate is slightly higher than the national average of $1,200 per month. However, this rate can vary greatly depending on location and other factors. To get an accurate estimate of rental rates in your area, it's best to consult a local real estate expert or use an online tool like Rentometer.

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